The Samahita Blog

Richard Freeman Chanting from Hatha Pradipika

By Daniel Stringer

Richard Freeman Chanting from the Hatha Pradipika streamed live today at Samahita.
suṣhumṇāyai kuṇḍalinyai sudhāyai chandra-janmane |
manonmanyai namastubhyaṃ mahā-śaktyai chid-ātmane || 64 ||
Salutations to Thee, O Suṣumnâ, to Thee O Kuṇḍalinî, to Thee O Sudhâ, born of Chandra, to Thee O Manomnanî! to Thee O great power, energy and the intelligent spirit.
Hatha Pradipika

सुष्हुम्णायै कुण्डलिन्यै सुधायै छन्द्र-जन्मने |
मनोन्मन्यै नमस्तुभ्यं महा-शक्त्यै छिद-आत्मने || ६४ ||

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